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Application of plastic pallet in automobile and spare parts industry

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Application of plastic pallet in automobile and spare parts industry

Author: Time:2018-6-15
Summary:Plastic folding carton is designed to reduce storage volume and logistics transportation cost in case of empty box. The folding card box has inherited the consistent design of the bearing (dynamic load 1T; static load 4T) of the closed card box products,
Plastic folding carton is designed to reduce storage volume and logistics transportation cost in case of empty box. The folding card box has inherited the consistent design of the bearing (dynamic load 1T; static load 4T) of the closed card box products, and the material HDPE has strong impact resistance through the foaming treatment. The large folding box is composed of twenty-one parts, such as the four side plate and the tray style base, and the small pickup doors on the side door. The product has high technical components and twelve pairs of moulds are manufactured.
The supporting card box cover of the large folding card box (inlaid pattern in the design of the box cover for dust protection; it will not affect the stacking between the plastic cardboard boxes after the supporting card box cover): the weight can not be carried on the cover of the folding card box.
The advantages of plastic large board box:
1, the use of convenient, save space;
2, the service life of the plastic pallet box is about 10 times longer than that of the wooden box.
3, the plastic carton is lighter than the same type of wooden box and metal box, so it is better in handling and transportation.
4, plastic card box can be washed at any time, beautiful, environmentally friendly.
5. It can be widely used in liquid and powder storage and turnover, and is widely used.
6. Other advantages.
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